Tips for Preventing Workplace Harassment

Tips for Preventing Workplace Harassment

If you’re finding it challenging to create awareness around workplace harassment policies for blue-collar employees, field staff, or employees dispersed across multiple locations, consider using WhatsApp as a tool to deliver monthly “Policy Gyan” messages. These simple, direct reminders help reinforce the importance of respect, boundaries, and reporting inappropriate behavior.

Here are some sample messages you can adapt and send:

Policy Gyan:

  1. “Be a bystander who makes a difference. If something feels wrong, speak up! For guidance or questions, reach out to <email id>.”
  2. “A safe workplace begins with mutual respect. Unwanted advances or comments are never okay. Report any incidents to <email id>.”
  3. “Stand up for yourself and your colleagues—report inappropriate behavior to create a safer workplace for all. Contact <email id> to report.”
  4. “Awareness is the first step in prevention. Know your rights and responsibilities under the workplace harassment policy: <Policy link>.”
  5. “Remember, sexual harassment can be physical, verbal, or non-verbal. If it makes someone uncomfortable, it crosses a line. Report at <email id>.”
  6. “Respect personal boundaries—what feels ‘harmless’ to one person may be uncomfortable to another. Learn more about our policy: <link>.”
  7. “Together, we can prevent harassment. If you see something, say something—support your colleagues and promote a safe workplace. Report at <email id>.”
  8. “Know your rights. Prevent sexual harassment by staying informed. Read our policy at <link>. Let’s create a respectful workplace together.”
  9. “Taking photos without consent or sending repeated friend requests is considered stalking. Respect boundaries. Stop, and if needed, report to <email id>.”
  10. “Jokes or remarks that make someone uncomfortable aren’t harmless. Respect boundaries—report at <email id>.”
  11. “Your voice matters! For reporting any concerns regarding sexual harassment in the workplace, email <email id>. Let’s keep our workplace safe for everyone.”

By regularly sending these awareness messages, you can foster a safer, more respectful workplace culture, even for employees who may be harder to reach. Remember, every message reinforces the idea that everyone has the right to feel safe and supported at work.